Metric conversion of lenght, mass, volume, temperature, area, density, pressure, energy, power, ...

Metric Unit Converter
Welcome to our web page, where you can convert numerous units in 11 categories: length, area, density, energy, mass, power, pressure, speed, temperature and volume.

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Most Common Conversions

Length (meter, yard, foot, kilometer, mile, inch, nanometer, ...)

Mass (kilogram, pound, pound-troy, oz-troy, ton, ounce, gram, ...)

Volume (liter, US gallon, imperial gallon, centiliter, cubic meter, ...)

Area (hektar, square kilometer, square meter, square yard, square foot, ...)

Temperature (celsius, fahrenheit)

Speed (km/s, m/s, km/h, m/min, mile/s, mile/h, sea mile/h, mach, ...)

All Conversions

Pressure (pascal, milibar, hectopascal, bar, atmosphere, ...)

Angle (radian, grad, degree)

Density (ounce/cubic foot, pound/cubic yard, gram/cubic centimeter, gram/cubic meter, kilogram/cubic meter, tone/cubic metre,...)

Energy (joule, calorie - 15C, calorie - international , calorie - termochemical, Btu, electronvolt, erg, ...)

Power (megawatt (MW), kilowatt (KW), watt (W), horse power (KM))

Length (meter, yard, foot, kilometer, mile, inch, nanometer, ...)

Mass (kilogram, pound, pound-troy, oz-troy, ton, ounce, gram, ...)

Volume (liter, US gallon, imperial gallon, centiliter, cubic meter, ...)

Area (hektar, square kilometer, square meter, square yard, square foot, ...)

Temperature (celsius, fahrenheit)

Speed (km/s, m/s, km/h, m/min, mile/s, mile/h, sea mile/h, mach, ...)