Metric conversion of lenght, mass, volume, temperature, area, density, pressure, energy, power, ...

Km/s converter

1 km/s is:

Value Unit
1 km/s
1000 m/s
3600 km/h
60000 m/min
0.621371 mi/s
2236.94 mph
3280.84 ft/s
1943.85 nmi/h
3.01695 mach
360000000 cm/h
6000000 cm/min
141732000 in/h
86400 km/day
60 km/min
86400000 m/day
3600000 m/h
53686.5 mile/day
37.2823 mile/min
1000000 mm/s
3.33664E-6 speed of light (vacuum)
3.33564E-6 speed of light (vacuum)
94488200 yd/day
3937010 yd/h
65616.8 yd/min
1093.61 yd/s